Boycott Novell » Speculat...
Here are two related articles that I came across at It's probably not new, it's been awhile, but - oh well.
The first one is from Jonathan Schwartz's Weblog about litigation. It would appear, and according to the other weblog - Pamela Jones - that it is a comment about Microsoft litigation. Sun is making a stand that the open source community, Linux users, is the way to go. With the litigations occurring from MS, they are playing a dangerous field by threatening the customers. The most likely - and obvious - way is that they can, and will leave you.
It was also implied, according to Pamela Jones' little insight, that it appears that based on Mr. Schwartz's words that Microsoft had pressured them to sue Open Source/ Linux users. A mistake since they were turned down. This appears to a mistake that MS often has done over the years - and one they have not learned from. Like when they tried to get Minix to sue Linus/Linux for the name, or the fight against Google not too long ago.
Besides nothing yet has occurred from the allegations that MS has placed on Linux users. If MS was serious about suing them, they would have already done so by taking the Open-Source users to court.
Personally, I think they're just using this as a scheme or way of dealing with the fact that they have not sold that much for their Windows Vista. And although I have recently purchased a laptop that has Vista in it... I've installed Ubuntu in it, because I was not that happy with Vista - takes up too much memory, slows down after awhile, and still not compatible with a lot of applications.